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STYL-Underground Prison

STYL-Underground Prison - Stylized Modular Dungeon Kit


STYL-Underground Prison – a stylized modular dungeon kit has been designed so you can build a medieval underground prison environment in a modular way.

  • Each module is designed in 2m units. In Unity, you can freely place them using the snap function, set to 1 unit.
  • Includes easily assembled walls, floors, pillars, props, etc. for use in Unity, allowing you to create a variety of prison environments.
  • Optimized for top-down, 3D action RPG, and roguelike games, making it suitable for multiple genres.

This guide is intended to help you quickly understand and effectively use the asset.

What is STYL?

STYL stands for Stylized Theme, Your Level, a series of high-quality assets designed to help you efficiently create stylized environments.

We developed this series to maintain consistent quality and style across stylized assets. We’re starting with a medieval theme, but we plan to expand to sci-fi, modern, and more in the future—so stay tuned!

Purchase Methods

Would you like to use STYL-Underground Prison in your Unity project? You can purchase it directly from the store below.

Folder Structure & Descriptions

  • STYL-UndergroundPrison-Pack-BuiltInRP
    • 📁Materials
    • 📁Meshs
    • 📁Prefabs
      • 📁FX: Simple fire particle effects
      • 📁SET: Prefabs that have been combined in advance
    • 📁Scenes: Five demo scenes and one overview scene
      • Demo-Level_01
      • Demo-Level_02
      • Demo-Level_03
      • Demo-Level_04
      • Demo-Level_05
      • Overview
    • 📁Textures

Main Content

  • Modular Components: 24 walls, 3 floors, 23 pillars, 22 stairs, 7 doors and door frames
  • Various Props: 36 different props (prison bars, torture devices, furniture, torch, etc.)
  • Reference Demo Scenes: 5 demo scenes to check different layout configurations

URP/HDRP Conversion Guide

For URP/HDRP conversion, please refer to the document below.

URP/HDRP Conversion Guide

Learn how to convert purchased Unity assets for use with URP and HDRP render pipelines.

Planned Updates

  • Upcoming additions:
    • Additional props for the underground prison theme
    • A wider variety of walls, floors, and ceilings
    • New styles of structural sets

For the latest update news, follow MaxKill Studios!


STYL-Underground Prison Unit Overview

The STYL-Underground Prison asset is created with 2m units for flexible structure construction. Since Unity treats 1 meter as 1 unit, setting your Grid Snap to 1 makes placement much easier.

Using Snap

  1. Click the Snap Increment button at the top of the Editor.

    Location of Snap Increment Button

  2. In Increment Snapping, set the Move value to 1.

    Increment Snapping Settings

  3. Select the desired object in the Scene view.

    Selecting an Object in the Scene View

  4. Move the object while holding down the Ctrl key.

    Moving the Object with Ctrl Key Pressed

  5. The object will snap according to the value you set.

    Object Moved with Snap Applied

Prefab Naming Conventions

STYL-Underground Prison uses a consistent prefab naming convention for systematic asset management. This approach makes it easier to identify each asset’s type, features, and variations.

However, not all assets may perfectly follow this naming scheme. Some objects may share common materials and textures across multiple assets, leading to minor naming adjustments for organizational purposes.

Even in these cases, we strive to maintain consistency.

Naming Format

Each prefab name follows the format below:

[Prefix]_[Category]_[Descriptor]_[Variation]_[Additional Info]

PrefixSM (Static Mesh)
CategoryMain type of asset (e.g., Stair, Pillar, Prop, Trim, Wall, etc.)
DescriptorDescribes shape, style, or function (e.g., Spiral_Slide, Rough, Round)
VariationDistinguishes different versions of the same asset
- Numbers (01, 02, ...): minor shape differences
- Letters (A, B, C, ...): major shape differences
Additional InfoDetails like size, alignment, angle, etc.

Naming Convention Examples

Prefab NameComponents
- SM → Static Mesh
- Stair → Stair
- Spiral_Slide → Spiral slide shape
- 01 → First variation
- 45Deg → 45-degree slope
- SM → Static Mesh
- Stair → Stair
- Rough → Rough style
- Large → Large size
- Staggered → Staggered arrangement
- SM → Static Mesh
- Stair → Stair
- Spiral → Spiral structure
- 01 → First variation
- Large → Large size
- 22p5Deg → 22.5-degree angle


Some prefabs can be used on their own, but they’re also designed to be combined with others to create more diverse environments.

Combining Iron Bars with Windowed Walls


Spiral Stairs Combinations


Walls and Trim


Stairs and Railings
